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#1 21-11-2018 11:07:09

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Windows Authentication to SQL server from Java

When trying to connect to a MSSQL database server that uses Windows Authentication please remember the following:

  1. Include the following property: useNTLMv2

  2. Include the following Domain property: domain=mydomain.local (where "mydomain.local" is the trusted windows domain of the user allowed to access the database)

These can be set in the applications configuration.


#2 12-01-2021 15:01:49

Registered: 20-11-2018
Posts: 148

Re: Windows Authentication to SQL server from Java

Here is an example:

<Connector id="XlayerDB" type="DB">
      <Connection xsi:type="sxi:MSSQL">
          <sxi:Property name="useNTLMv2" value="true"/>
          <sxi:Property name="domain" value="ACME"/>
          <sxi:Code>.+Read timed out.+</sxi:Code>
          <sxi:Code>.*Invalid state.+</sxi:Code>
          <sxi:Code>.*SHUTDOWN is in progress.+</sxi:Code>
          <sxi:Code>I/O Error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error</sxi:Code>


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